roadhazzard369 Member


  • As I was reading through this thread a couple of things come to mind. In my, admittedly limited, understanding, it’s not what you do on any particular day that matters most. It’s what you do over time. And if you need to lose weight, I would wager that not eating enough hasn’t been your problem over time. I would further…
  • As a psychologist, if one of my clients said this to me I would immediately suspect depression. I can't diagnose over the internet, but if you feel this may be the case then I would suggest addressing it.
  • My dear, you are a very beautiful woman. Before and after. If that's your husband, he's pretty hot too! A matched pair. I noticed that in your after pictures your smile made it all the way up to your eyes, which wasn't always true in all the before pics. Maybe that's why they look bigger now. You are obviously proud of…
  • Miss Candi, emotions are real, and you are entitled to yours whatever they are. And you do have something to be sad about. And if anyone says different you know better anyway. I know that’s not fair. But isn’t it great that life isn’t fair? Wouldn’t it be horrible if we actually deserved all the terrible things that happen…