Starting weight: 177.1 Goal weight: 135 Current weight: 168.6 Total weight lost: 8.5 This week's successes: Still in the new decade This week's challenges: Staying on plan when life gets busy and challenging
Feb 1 Starting weight: 177.1 Goal weight: 135 Current weight: 169.9 Total weight lost: 7.2 This week's successes: New decade. Consistent tracking and Bible study. This week's challenges: Cold weather; not eating my emotions.
Jan 22 Starting weight: 177.1 Goal weight: 135 Current weight: 171.6 Total weight lost: 5.5 This week's successes: Consistent tracking & exercise despite travel. Weight loss. This week's challenges: Cold weather, tired, busy at work, just wishing all of this didn’t take so much work. 😔
Jan 15 Starting weight: 177.1 Goal weight: 135 Current weight: 173.3 Total weight lost: 3.8 This week's successes: Consistent tracking and 4x exercise. This week's challenges: Travel and meals away from home.
Starting weight: 177.1 Goal weight: 135 Current weight: 174.3 Total weight lost: 2.8 This week's successes: Consistent tracking. This week's challenges: Busy week at work & temptation to eat in response to stress and anxiety.
Jan 6 self-care: -Bible study -Visited a church -Attended a sporting event and ate responsibly -Tracking all meals -Found and enjoyed a good portion of a calorie-friendly dessert Challenge this week: continuing to track, eat well and exercise as work picks up.
Quiet intelligent lions trounce omnivores W D O S W
Silly unicorns ingest filthy yams I L M H J
Jan 5 self care: -Bible study -Dinner - Food tracking -Exercise -I’m happy with my food choices but I need to continue being mindful about portions -Quiet rest time & time enjoying music -Cleaning -Good choices grocery shopping; washing & portioning produce and snacks -Acknowleding and embracing happiness
Yesterday (Jan 4) Self-Care: -Morning Bible study -Took a walk outside -Teamwork with spouse: Cooked dinner at home while listening to a book on tape and husband cleaned kitchen -Attempted (unsuccessfully) to make a medical appt; will try again Monday
Love Grape Nuts Cereal
Yum! Chitlins
Beach Fish heads or fish eggs?
Self-care (Jan 2): -Morning Bible study -Exercise -Food tracking -Reasonable food choices when eating out -Shut off tv when I was cutting it on just because and listened to music instead Morning Self-care (Jan 3): -Bible study -Quick clean of kitchen & dishes -Exercise - I lifted weights even though I was feeling…
I’m every woman - Chaka Khan
Rock with you - Michael Jackson
Starting weight: 177.1 Goal weight: 135 Current weight: 177.1 Total weight lost: 0 This week's successes: Getting started. This week's challenges: Reprioritizing my health and wellness without going to extremes and letting it take over my life.
Today’s self-care activities: -Took my vitamins -Cleaned -Did a morning Bible study -Spent time enjoying word puzzles and board games -Listened to music and had quiet time instead of watching tv -Discussed monthly budget with husband -Tracked my food