amyobefit Member


  • Yeah I just made a total pig of myself and missed lots of training sessions due to a really busy month with lots of family birthday's and other commitments etc. Waking up this morning and reading all your responses has really made an impression on me. Feeling excited to get started again as from now! Thank you everyone…
    in ashamed! Comment by amyobefit May 2015
  • Thank you this will be my mantra over the next few months now as I get back on track! I know how good I felt before but just got on a downward spiral and lost track of my long term goal of being fit and healthy!
    in ashamed! Comment by amyobefit May 2015
  • Yes even if I can manage 1/2 lb week. If I keep lifting and training in my martial arts I'm hoping I'll feel loads better. Thanks again for some kind words.
    in ashamed! Comment by amyobefit May 2015
  • Yes I've definitely learned my lesson! Feeling loads more positive hearing I'm not the only one who's done this. 14 weeks till my hol. Tomorrows a new day. Back to my positive hard working self I think! Thank you :-)
    in ashamed! Comment by amyobefit May 2015
  • Thank you. Just needed to put it out here I suppose. Need to remind myself what's more important, Wine and choc or my health and happiness. Thanks for words of motivation. :smiley:
    in ashamed! Comment by amyobefit May 2015
  • Pleased I'm not the only one then ha. Just had to ask having sat listening to every one talk about the new diet they are going to commit to for their new years resolution. When I tried to suggest eating at a deficit and exercising they looked at me as though I was alien.