kelsehdu Member


  • I love the ritual of weighing daily, charting it, keeping fastidious records. It's how I roll. It doesn't mess with my head, I find it fun, and I take "bad" numbers in my stride - look at the weekly average, or something... I also use a weight tracker app other than MFP for that purpose; in it I track every gain or loss or…
  • I was the smallest weight of my life on Depo Provera, and I wasn't even trying to be (ie not tracking anything - my weight problems are fairly recent, ie after children). I was just very active and didn't eat a lot of junk food! Perhaps hormonal BC does cause appetite increase and a tendency to bloat a bit more but I…
  • Apparently 20lbs is 9kg. I think that's doable. I'm 87kg, that would make me 78kg... I'd be rapt if I was that by Christmas and for summer. (Obviously I'm Antipodean). Trying as hard as I can to reach that goal can't hurt, and if I don't get there at least I'll get as far as I can :)
  • Cupcakes. First post! :)