

  • Way to go.. I am new here and hope to learn a lot from everyone in how they stayed strong and accomplished their goals.
  • I'm in the same boat. I'm 42 and weigh 192 lbs. Mother of three daughters (with my baby being 22) and grandmother to 4 with another one on the way. I have 60 pounds to lose. So good to know I am not alone in this...
  • Oh no, that is not weight loss, that was weight gain. I have to lose 60 pounds.. But one day, I hope to be able to post that I did it..
  • I understand how you feel. I went from 132 pounds to 192 (yep, 60 pound gain) in a years time. I have no excuse on how all that weight crepted up on me. But excuses no more. I am just starting today and know I will have days where I slip and probably fall in this, but keep positive. Habits that have been created over time…
  • Keep your chin up and keep pressing on. No one says it is going to be easy in the beginning. I went from 132 pounds to 192 pounds in a year. I know it's going to take time and there will probably be days I slip up, but the main thing right now is to stay positive and push forward. Old habits can't be changed over night, or…