Buncha36 Member


  • Yes thats what i've been doing now. High carbs on my cardio+training days and low carbs on my other days. I am realizing how important carbs are O.O I appreciate everyone's comments. they have been a huge help
  • I was also thinking along those lines. If i should keep my carb count high on my HIIT and cardio days (3x/week) and then decrease on just weight training days. Thank you!!
  • I am working with a posing coach, but am doing my nutrition my self. I guess I assumed to get your abs to show you needed to cut carbs and increase your fat levels... I'm 5'5 and am eating 1700 net calories a day, im already getting great results with my body change, so I guess we will just see down the road if I need to…
  • Here is a website I use to figure out how much i should be eating. It has you enter your weight, (i put the weight I want to go down to) and your height, how much you exercise/intensity and it gives you the calculation of how much calories you should be intaking. If you want to get more specific, on the left hand side, you…