ElisaMicciulli Member


  • A serving of cereal is usually either 3/4 cup or 1 cup. I think Cheerios serving size is 1 cup (28 grams). If you're like me, I can fill up a large bowl twice and eat it and consider that my one serving....but it's not, it's probably more like 7-8 servings. I agree with everyone above. Log what you eat regardless of what…
  • Hi, I am Elisa. I am 42 and live in Staten Island, New York. I will be married 20 years in February and have three children. Today is my 83rd day eating Paleo. I started eating Paleo as a means to lose weight. I gained over 30 pounds over the last 5 years. I have been in the 115 - 120 pound range after having my third…
  • I agree with Grok, if you can try it, go for it.
  • I did get the Flex, you're good :-) I don't think I can wear it in the shower. It says water resistant, not water proof. thanks for the info, I didn't realize I can sync it with MFP. It is getting quite tedious tracking things in all these different places (I also handwrite my food diary for my dietician). What is charge…
  • I'm in as well! Clutchbone, you must've already tried it, but Bigelow Green Tea with Pomegranite is delicious :-)
  • Sapphiresue, how have you been doing with sticking to 100% Paleo?
  • 149.4 -down 1.6 over the holiday weekend. (3.8 pounds total)
  • Hi all, hi fabmeetsfaith. I am 5'2", and started my weight loss plan 54 days ago when I hit y top weight (besides being pregnant) of 153.2. I was always thin my whole life. Once I hit my upper 30's I gained 30 pounds. I lost 4 pounds in the last 54 days. Very slow progress, but I am still sticking with it. Can any of you…
  • I'd like to join as well. My weigh in is on Mondays
  • Thanks Mike. Luckily I have insurance, so I don't pay too much for blood work. I work at a great company where they did this healthy lifestyle screening and once completed, sent me a $250. gift card. :-) I went back to my blood test to recheck my numbers. My LDL was actually 139 (the recommendation is >130) and my…
  • Glad to hear the response. I love green beans and I pln to now add them to my meals. Thanks! (there is only so much broccoli and spinach I can sautee each week LOL)
  • I'm not judging, I swear! But I thought green beans are not a Paleo item. I am still fairly new to Paleo (less than 6 weeks). Can we eat green beans? I've been staying away fro them....
  • WOW! that's so great to hear, because all the foods you mention eating are all the foods we are told to stary away from. I have been eating Paleo for almost six weeks and I have been eating a lot of bacon and eggs. I have had my blood work done prior to starting Paleo and my LDL was 220 (which I am told by doctors is…
  • Rosemary, have you thought of eating Paleo?
  • TiaBia9, thanks for the reply. It actually does satisfy me until well into the afternoon. I stopped adding food to my diary because when I added the food, I couldn't help but see the calorie intake and obsess. Now I just write what I eat in a notebook for my dietician to review (she is the one who recommended I eat Paleo).…
  • Good Question vhuber. I have been eating 3 hard boiled eggs with 4-6 slices of bacon every morning for breakfast. Does anyone think this is too much bacon and eggs? I think so, but I am not sure. I know these are Paleo foods, but can you eat too much of it? In addition, I have been eating Paleo for five and a half weeks,…
  • I love bananas and could eat them everyday. I am trying to now limit them because I did start eating them everyday this week and I think it's too much sugar.
  • Since starting Paleo 4 weeks ago, I haven't really had any dairy at all. And I am a HUGE cheese lover. I would put chesse and more cheese on everything. I haven't yet found a substitute for some delicious oreos and milk...doubt I ever will LOL
  • Yup, that is why I do the little things throughout the day. I know it helps. I also added an app to my phone. It is called 'Move your app' (it's free). You can set it for all 7 days or just week days (which is how I have it set). It is a reminder for people who sit all day to get up and move around. So every 50 minutes…
  • I have checked out Pinterest before, but I don't knowhow to navigate through the site very well, maybe I am not very computer savvy. I will give it another shot. Almond muffin tops sound like a good substitute. I might try that as well.
  • I have also made banana nut cake, but had to turn it into banana nut bread and toast it with some butter to eat it. It wasn't that good and honestly had a grayish color that looked very unappetizing. Yesterday I made banana almond butter pancakes with cinnamon. I purposely made 6, ate one and froze the other 5 in ziploc…
  • Hmmm, lugo321, good ideas.... I might use them :)
  • Rosey, I have not yet started an exercise routine. As crazy as it sounds, I try to get in little tidbits of exercise throughout the day such as when I am cooking dinner, I will do a hundred jumping jacks. Or when I get up from my desk at work, I will go to the ladies room just to lean against the wall and do a few standing…
  • I am in my 4th week of eating Paleo which was recommended by a nutritionist/dietician that I made an appointment with because of struggling being 30 pounds overweight. I have yet to lose weight, but do notice I feel better since making the switch. I am going to keep at it beacuse it is a healthier lifestyle and there is…
  • Any suggestions on what I can use to make sandwiches for my kids? They are so against switching over to Paleo after eating wheat and carbs their whole lives (and loving every minutes of it). But for my youngest who is 10 years old, he brings lunch to school and everyday it's a sandwich. What else can I give him as a…
  • I have to say, I have been doing well with eating Paleo...and a little proof it is a better way of eating. My husband (who is not eating Paleo) and I got up yesterday at the exact same time. Both got ready for work and worked a regular full time schedule. (We both work in an office setting). He got home about 1/2 hour…
  • AW! Thank you! so sweet! :)
  • Dragonwolf..THANK YOU! You definitely sound like you know what you are talking about and I will certainly take you up on your advice! WOW! I am truly grateful and I think I can see myself doing what you've suggested. My profile picture is pretty recent (from June). I will keep you posted on my success :-)
  • WOW! I am impressed with all of you. I try all day long to eat high protein items like almonds and tuna and other types of fish. When I went back to my diary I see that I can't even get to 50g a day. What are you all doing that gives you such a greater intake of protein?
  • Thanks for the support all of you. I am slowly working on your sugestions. Getting out of the 'dieting' mindset is extremely difficult but I am trying. Two of my three kids are VERY picky. Only my oldest will try everything and eats most vegetables. My younger two eat no vegetables and no fruit, even though I make…