

  • Congratulations! That's awesome news!
  • I'm 30! Add me! I spent a good portion of my early and mid twenties learning my own body and becoming comfortable in my own skin as you put it.
  • Hi all, I see this is an old thread, but I just joined the community and have been browsing about and thought my story could help... I had a wide and deep one that hurt a lot for over 2 years. I tried treating it with various different methods, but what it ended up taking was a combo of three. 1. Duct Tape Method - You…
  • I'm in! Let's all be friends!
  • hey funchords (do you play music? I'm a guitarist/singer/songwriter)! Thanks for the kind welcome! To answer your question... I've had bad keratosis pilaris (most of my life until the raw vegan diet), awful dandruff/Seborrheic Dermatitis on my scalp and face, frequent and various rashes that had come and gone throughout my…
  • That's a good point Need2Exerc1se! I personally would add the fats for the most part using coconut oil (which has sooooo many benefits and is very efficiently utilized for energy), olive oil, some pastured/"grass-fed" butter, or even macadamia oil. I would avoid most other nut and seed oils due to the high Omega-6 to…
  • Hey Glenstrek! I just joined up myself, but welcome! lol. I wish you the best of luck tracking!
  • Hey flowerforyou! I think that your boot camp instructor has the right idea! You'll certainly continue to cut fat with a diet like that. I've experimented quite a but with different approaches to diet and the one that has proven itself as most ideal at this point in time for me is exactly that. That being said, I recently…