lisan1209 Member


  • Try your best to get back into your normal routine, log what you eat, get to the gym (maybe for longer since you have extra time) and either cut way back or just throwaway the treats. The first bit will be tough since your body is craving junk but hang in there! Keep yourself busy!
  • I recently went through a very tough hamstring pull, and as an avid runner, this was super hard for me to deal with. If you can find an easy exercise that does not injure yourself further, do lightly until you feel pain and then stop. Possibly walking or riding a bike? Trust me--if it starts to hurt, stop--it will only…
  • you can also turn your sports bra inside-out so the seams are on the outside! Also try body glide! if nothing else you can always wrap seran wrap underneath :)
  • Ok thanks. I need to start doing that. It's just hard because my work routinely has food and I try really hard not to take any of it. But on Fridays or random times I might have a bite. It can be hard to guess and I always hope for less than it is!
  • Yeah I Agree. I didn't know about the quick add feature, do you just plug in ingredients and it populates calories? Ugh bites of stuff still kill!!
  • Thankfully I have learned to control binges, somewhat! Lol. But how do you log bites of something? For example, my work had papa johns pizza served for lunch today. I had 2 slices of veggie pizza but only ate the toppings and threw away the crust. How do you log things like that?
  • Thank you! And you're right-life happens! :)
  • Thank you! I appreciate the support!! I read on the tone it up website that a whole week of good eating can be destroyed by a cheat day which is why I felt bad. But I was also pmsing too lol!
  • I got really drunk on Saturday and ended up eating almost 2 bags of chips :( I feel guilty even today about it. I did exercise for about 2 hours yesterday though. How long do you think it will take to get back on track?