You might wanna consider getting beast from beach body. Love it. 90 day program
I do BEAST. on my 6 th round. Love to have more BODYBEAST friends.
I find when I go to work m-f I get in about 15,000 steps. This has been gradual over two years. Now I get excited when I hit 25,000. I walk to work in the morning. I walk on my coffee breaks (1km) twice a day. I tried to walk at lunchtime. How I really got here? I just tried to beat yesterday's steps even if it only meant…
Feel free to add me. :) Canadian, starting Round 6 of BodyBeast
I tried the plan and lost 9 lbs. I've been thinking of redoing it asap. I need to figure out how to add friends on here.
I'm starting round 6 and it is great to see others do the same program.