gocb1015 Member


  • I hope it's a great experience for you. Agree with the folks above - don't get caught up in how fast the people around you start. Get to your pace and stick with it. And don't be afraid to walk if you need it. I've only run a handful of half marathons but I always see people walk/running so you won't be alone if you do so.…
  • SW: 227.5 (with MFP - going to use MFP now instead of WW where I've been hanging out at the same weight after losing 10 pounds) CW: 227.5 GW: 185 My goal weight for September is 219. I am training for a half marathon relay so I plan to run 2-3 times per week and on non-running days, I will do OTF. I have a work trip coming…
  • First weigh in! This was my first week back of eating right and exercising after a summer long eat fest/mourning period. It felt really good. Good luck in week 2!! SW- 238.1 10%- 24 Challenge Goal Weight: 214.1 Ultimate Goal Weight- 182 Aug 22 - 238.1 Aug 29 - 230.3 WEIGHT LOSS FOR THE WEEK: -7.8
  • I've never posted here before but I need some accountability/friends so I would LOVE to join. A 10% loss would be 23 pounds for me. I will run another half marathon in January so I need some of this weight off of my body so that the running and recovery doesn't hurt so much. Plus in my head, I run a lot faster when I weigh…