healthyRN920 Member


  • I live in Duncan now. I moved, my family still lives there though!
  • I fell off the wagon after getting depressed after injury. I have 15 lbs to loose after gaining due to poor eating choices. I need help and support. I am a runner so my weight affects my running. If u find I we could help each other, I could use a friend
  • Yea, I struggle with this too. IT is mostly when I feel lonely or unwanted. I simply give up and punish myself. I am looking for more friends, maybe we can help each other out. Always looking for a friend
  • I too found running about 3 years ago. I lost 60lbs in my journey but gained about 10lbs back and looking to loose them again. I trained for 2 marathons and love that distance race. I improved my time by 30 min so far. Always looking for friends :)