Thank you for your advice personally I don't wanna smoke e cigarettes as it's still nicotine intake and I just wanna cut it all out. I tried patches last time for 14 days 14mg for 7 days then 7mg and then after that all i craved was the nicotine hit so I went back to smoking. I resisted multiple people offering me a cig…
Thank you very much. Today I have tried the water method and have managed to resist the urge to replace cravings with food :) I got a few cravings today when I was home alone (there are normally a few people around to tell me off when I feel close to giving in) so I went to the gym instead and that really helped :)
Thank you very much to everyone who has wished me good luck :)
wow thanks for sharing that :) I've only been smoking a few years on and off but for the past year and a half i've been smoking more and more( about 20 roll ups a day) and my bank balance isn't allowing it. Things like your story are the things that keep me going
5 years is impressive though, apparently thats how long it takes to reduce the risk of coronary and lung disease to that of someone who doesn't smoke so well done :)
Thank you knowing that really helps, I've just downloaded an app that is telling me how much money I've saved and that my lungs are healthier already so that's a helpful insentive too :) I normally don't chew gum but I think that will help on nights out so thank you :)
Congratulations :) I've been going to the gym a few weeks trying to lose weight before christmas and I guess I've chosen the worst time to quit. I'm gonna try to focus on not smoking and not on weight loss. I'm glad it's not just me who is going/ been through this :)
Good luck to you too
I think this would help me as I found that eating lollies helped as it's something to fiddle with. Thank you and congratulations on quitting :)
Thanks :) I have tried and failed before but I am very committed this time ( cliche I know). after eating is hard because I would always smoke. The cravings pass when I've snacked so maybe I should try drinking water. Dreading how it goes when I go on a night out...
yoghurt coated anything and jaffacakes. I have been known to eat 36 in one sitting.