Ahh that's a huge victory! I love it!
Thank you very much for the support! I have a long way to go but it's easy to stay motivated when you can see the progress you've made :)
I've been eating 1290 calories a day, eating 8 meals a day. As for exercise, I walk to the store every day to get my dinner and that is all.
Welcome! I can't give you any answers in the nutrition department but I can give you support if you need it!
That they have great role models!
You should absolutely get into cosplay! It's so much fun and you gain valuable skills while you are at it!
Representing NSW right here ^.^
Thanks so much ladies! I am looking forward to my new spandex wardrobe!
Ohh Xena is a dream!
Thanks guys! Friend requests all around! I hope I can sniff out the other people that cosplay, that would be fantastic!