Always looking for supportive new friends, feel free to add!
Feel free to add me for additional support!
Gotta back up my fellow Packers fan. Yep!
Always looking for motivating friends!
#1 Love that stadium!!!
Most days... haha TPBM has a secret obsession with Disney and sings Let It Go in the shower every morning.
Feel free to add me!
Always looking for fellow motivators! :)
Does FR count if we're already friends? Or is it a SC if I already know she's a cardinals fan? lol
Feel free to add me :)
Feel free to add me!
Always looking for new friends to help motivate each other!
Old Spice
Cucumber Melon
Of course
IMC I've spent most of my work day not doing work. :)
Always looking for motivators and the help motivate others!
Smurf singing a tune "We're
Be without social media! Would you rather be on Naked and Afraid with a complete stranger for 21 days or be suspended in a glass box for a month over times square?
LOL Breezy
Who was in The Simpsons with Hank Azaria
Mobile Home
Married. World Traveler. two grown kids.
Yeah that one fills up fast and is only a Sprint or Half Ironman, but is very scenic. The sprint is completely flat, but the Half Iron gets hilly because you're all over door county. A great long weekend trip though!
Always looking for new friends, feel free to add me :smiley:
Feel free to add me. I'm a new parent as well with a 6 month old daughter. Always looking for friends to hold me accountable. :)
Yeah I need to find my way back to a pool. Especially with Winter coming around I need to join the Y so I have a pool to go to each day. I think I'm going to set my bike up on the trainer in the basement so I don't have the excuse that the spin bike is set to my wife's size. :) Any area Tri's that either of you like? The…