freeoscar Member


  • I'm confused by #1. I've read in several places that one of the common habits of people who have successfully maintained weight loss over a long period is that they regularly weigh themselves to keep things in check. Why do you feel differently?
  • What's been difficult for me (Month 5 of maintenance now) is mentally dealing with the fluctuations within normal. I guess because when I was losing I ate similar types of foods all the time so I lost at a fairly steady clip - no real plateaus or gains. Now I'll gain or lose a few pounds at a time (I weigh weekly) with…
  • Kids cry when you tell them no McDonald's or Pizza or Chicken Nuggets too. And as "addicting" as candy allegedly is, I have yet to see one my children go Ewan McGregor/Trainspotting withdrawal when they can't have any. Carbs are 'bad' for weight control because they are calorie dense and not as sating as fat or protein…
  • Look at the big picture. You've lost about 1/2 lb per week for 6 months, which is about the correct pace given your height/weight. Maybe take a little break (eat at maintenance) for a month or so as you seem frustrated and burnt out. Then re-evaluate which approach you'd like to take to get your desired body composition.
  • Congrats on looking the best you ever have. I'm sure you've put in a lot of hard work to achieve that - you should be proud.
  • Yes, the site is myfitnesspal, but this particular forum is the General Diet and Weight Loss forum, so it's perfectly acceptable that people are discussing things in the context of weight loss. There are separate forums for fitness, maintaining weight, increasing weight, etc., where it would be more appropriate to discuss…
  • Because the folks over at 538 are experts in statistical analysis, which makes them a great reference for evaluating the meaning of studies. It's not as if they are basing their evaluation on 'common sense' or 'things I've heard' or witchcraft. They are using the scientific method.
  • It sounds like you have a very good plan - a varied diet where you eat from all the food groups, while keeping your caloric intake to a level which allows you to lose/maintain weight at a reasonable pace, and enjoying treats in moderation. That's pretty much the ideal of CICO/IIFYM/MFP as I understand it.
  • 1000 calories from 3-4 miles of walking sounds extremely high. I'm guessing that takes you around 1hr, 1hr 20 minutes, which is more likely a burn of half that or probably even less than that.
  • I use MFP to keep a general idea as to where my macros are so that I don't get too off track, but I'm not nearly as strict as I am with calories. For me it becomes too restrictive, and not how I want to relate to food long term. If I try to hit specific macro targets each day it starts feeling more like an elimination…
  • if you use milk and sugar, try skipping the sugar and heating up the milk (you can do this in the micro at work). heating the milk makes it sweeter, so you may not need the sugar (or at least less of it). plus it helps keep your coffee hot for longer :smile:
    in coffee Comment by freeoscar May 2015
  • I think it is a good idea if you are feeling burnt out or overwhelmed, because the goal here is long term loss and maintenance. That said, it sounds like you are fine, but your husband is the one who is feeling burnt out, so I don't see why you would benefit from a break.
  • honestly, I can't tell if that is the 'real' reason, or if you are just being facetious.
    in Paleo Diet Comment by freeoscar May 2015
  • I'm not that familiar with Paleo - why is it that you can't eat legumes?
    in Paleo Diet Comment by freeoscar May 2015
  • So continuing on this off-topic topic, what foods would you rate as worst and best in terms of effort/cost of making it yourself vs. buying from a store? I've already discussed canned tomatoes as being totally not worth it, and I'll add fresh pasta to that - unless I'm making something stuffed like a ravioli b/c store…
  • Not only is there nothing wrong with boxed pasta and canned tomatoes, but they are preferred in many cases. Dried pasta is just flour and water, and its relative strength vs. fresh pasta makes it better for a heavy sauce. Also, it is blander, so you get a much different balance than with a fresh egg pasta. And…
  • Guy here. Similar story with a suit that I've had for about 8yrs. I wore it for a while but it was snug, then got to the point where I couldn't even pull the trousers all the way up, never mind zipping and buttoning them closed and breathing. Started here back in October with the goal of wearing it to a party this coming…
  • For all those saying she should up his life insurance, or get a new policy. While sound advice, he is likely completely uninsurable. Given the weight, the medical history, the ADD meds, etc. Double so for long term care, where the underwriting is pretty tight. The only possibility would be a group policy through his work…
  • I'm sorry for your situation OP. My only advice was to seek therapy, but since you've already done that I don't have much to add except maybe see if you can convince him to see a new therapist as you are unhappy with his current one, or maybe go back to couple again if you have stopped. As you contemplate whether or not to…
  • The thing is, 99% of the people who currently think that Paleo is the perfect way to eat will be on to something else in a few years. Likely "The Refined Carb Diet", based on the belief that by 'purifying' we turn grains into 'superfoods' which are effortlessly and perfectly absorbed by our bodies.
  • If you are finding it difficult to consistently exercise, then make sure that consistent exercise is not part of your weight loss plan - from both a planning purpose (i.e. set your targets to reflect your regular life activity, only account for exercise after you've completed it), and from a psychological perspective…
  • Yes, I am married. If you approach counseling as one person 'winning' then no, it won't work. Done correctly it is a great way to facilitate communication when both sides feel as if they aren't being heard, which is the case here.
  • Yes, this is a marriage issue primarily. I mean, they had that rational discussion, and he went out and did something directly contradicting what they agreed to. That's not passive aggressive, that's just plain aggressive. I think counseling is in order. If they figure that part out, helping each other eat to plan is easy.
  • [/quote] Clearly you stopped reading the article, as here is a direct quote from it: "You can’t just take an 8-ounce glass of cola and add a serving of Metamucil and create a health food,” Dr. Ludwig said. “Even though the fructose-to-fiber ratio might be the same as an apple, the biological effects would be much…
  • [/quote] big picture thinking here: it's about how you eat overall, not in one moment. Did you eat well-rounded for the whole day? If you meet your macros, and then have an oreo, you did well. if you ate oreos all day, not so much. If you ate fruit all day, not so much. [/quote] I agree, and that's how I eat. But the…
  • That sounds like an amazing trip. I would just focus on making sure you have the right type and quantity of food to keep you fueled for the hike so that you enjoy it as much as possible. If you gain a little weight that can always be taken care of once you return to the comparative doldrums of your everyday life.
  • because your body breaks down the fruit, which combines the items together, differently than it does the items when they are separate. Here's an unrelated example for you - pour some oil in a glass. then pour some vinegar. Now pour the same amounts into a jar and emulsify them. Now return each example to its original state…
  • Clearly you stopped reading the article, as here is a direct quote from it: "You can’t just take an 8-ounce glass of cola and add a serving of Metamucil and create a health food,” Dr. Ludwig said. “Even though the fructose-to-fiber ratio might be the same as an apple, the biological effects would be much different.”
  • Here is an article discussing why it is better for your body to get sugar from whole fruit rather than added refined.