If you eat during the day, and have breakfast early in the morning (a hearty breakfast preferably) it shouldn't be absolutely vital that you eat after cardio workout. It depends also on your goal, however. If you're trying to add muscles, you might want to cram something with protein down. But if it's that you get…
I have a lot of anxiety. It's different from Social Anxiety Disorder, but similar in a few ways. One of my biggest fears and overwhelming thoughts is humiliation. I'm so scared of being laughed at, mocked, or doing/saying something wrong and having it pointed out to me. Even if it's pointed out nicely, I go home and hate…
For me, having my own scale at home really helped (and continues to) in my weightloss. The rule is that you should only, and I mean ONLY weigh yourself at a certain day of the week or every two weeks. It's tempting to cheat, because you want to see how much progress you can make in perhaps three days, but that usually…
Why would a bit of rain worry you?
There are so many great recipes and ideas on here, and I shall be compiling a list of all of them later on! I want to thank all of you who are so generously sharing your ideas and advice, and continue doing so.
Pavlova? I have never heard of that. They do look quite yummy, but the amount of dairy products have me suspicious. I. Love. Fruit-salad. It's impossible to believe I'm related to a man who doesn't even want to see them on a postcard. Again, I am getting tons of suggestions that I'll have to try out with my friends. Thank…
[Shoves dad out the window] Mine. My own. My precious.
I do not recall seeing sugar free pudding, but that sounds absolutely delicious, especially as my thoughts can't help but wander back to chocolate. I have to stay away from cereal and muesli (never been one to eat actual cereal), that is a total trigger food for a lot of my binging. But, I shall take a look at skinny taste…
That's not really what I want to do. Like I said, I am looking to lead a healthier lifestyle, and I am doing a bit of experimenting on the way. I've cut certian products completely out of my diet, not so much by hard work but trhough teh fact that they don't taste that good anymore and I've found better substitutes. For…
Hi there, Raspberry! I love fruit. Fruit with chocolate is a combination of the two loves of my life. Unfortunately, my father does not share this sentiment, so that is a snack I will have to try with my friend on our horror movie evening this summer! I've tried making banana ice-cream, but it froze too hard :/ I do…
I know that feeling. :| My worst date was my first. I was sixteen, and the guy decided that playing Magic The Gathering with his friends was a good date. I went with him, deliberately lost and we made out. Not only was he a bad kisser, but another one of his friends showed up that night for more MTG - my older brother. It…
car paint
Sick burn
self care
Hair crisis
boy toy
Captain's log
"For a star to be born, there is one thing that must happen: a gaseous nebula must collapse. So collapse. Crumble. This is not your destruction. This is your birth. " By Astrasperas on tumblr. ( )