daffyblessed Member


  • I said not to take the one w/added calcium because most people already get enough calcium in their diets and it is actually magnesium that is lacking. The balance between the two is important and if you are already getting enough calcium, it can counter the benefit of the magnesium. The ratio between the two should be 1:1…
  • Actually, the Natural Calm powder (don't get the one w/calcium) works pretty much right away. Start at 1/2 tsp (use an actual measuring spoon) and if that isn't doing the trick, increase in 1/2 tsp increments up to 2 tsp. I also supplement with magnesium in the morning as it helps with stress throughout the day. Google the…
  • Try magnesium supplements. Natural Calm powder in a warm beverage before bedtime works nicely. Most people are mag deficient. I have always been a poor sleeper until I started the supplements and now drop off and sleep soundly through the night- except when the cats wake me ;) Also, avoid alcohol close to bedtime, it may…
  • Looks like it's time for me to clear off my treadmill and get back at it :)
  • I used to be extremely active, but as I entered early menopause (at 45) the weight crept on unexpectedly and now I find myself at the top end of where I never thought I'd be. Along with the menopause came depression, and consequently a lot less activity. That needs to change!
  • I agree. I am not in a race to lose, but can certainly up my activity level as I am not impaired in any way. :) And I have lost 3 lbs in the past month-that's not bad, right? The weight loss stopped, but maybe that's only a temporary thing. I noticed that in my original post I said I wasn't losing at 1400, and should have…
  • Yes, 140 is my goal weight. I looked good at 135-healthy weight for me, but that was 15 years ago and I think the extra 5 will keep me "filled out" ;) So, 140 it is!
  • Oh, thank you so much for that explanation. Now I better understand the slight increase in calorie recommendation. I will try your suggestion of alternating calorie days and see what happens with that plan. Thank you!
  • Well, I thought that upping cals was pretty odd too. That said, I track everything I eat, via the food data base right here at MFP, as well as weighing and measuring all food I eat so I am confident that I was in fact eating 1400 - or fewer cals per day, in fact, I usually add a few cals to my diary to make up for the…