Ringo1812 Member


  • OK, I'm in. Doing ok after 3 weeks in but just cannot shake the bread. Eating 12 grain but too many slices in a day. I sooooo love bread. Will be looking to shed 12 1lbs by Xmas as I promised myself a very special treat!!!!
  • WOW 7 WOW!!! What determination. You must feel sooooo good!
  • Keep it up Jenn. You can really see the difference. Look at your curves. Will be watching for updates in another 90.
  • Same here. My marriage ended after 21 yrs. I never met anyone like you ladies have but that's ok to. Discovered I could be very happy with just me and friends. Have never felt alone so I guess we are all different. The financial part is what put the lbs on me. 3 young teens, working full time in a high stress career. Got…
  • Would definitely go back to your doctor and as mention above, keep a diary when they occur. Is there any anxiety disorder in your family. I went through the same think and found they were from anxiety. When your doing something you mind takes over but when I rest sometimes I have anxiety pain although not sure why as not…
  • Same story here. 62, retired and yes started gaining the weight when I took another high stressed job parttime. The lbs. just kept on coming. Did not help that it was a desk job and did not exercise. Found this site 6 days ago and its made things so easy for me I know I am going to be one happy camper in 12 months. So…
  • Kate you look amazing. I can't tell you how inspiring your story and pictures help me. You look so healthy. Keep up the success. Love to see your pictures when you reach your goal. As the other people said you certainly look less than in the 190's. We have to be careful of saying that to someone as I use to hear that a…
  • People you are all inspirational. I'm not much of a talker, you could even call be boring, but that's ok because I like boring, and along with that I'm obese. I was wondering how I could stay motivated staying on this diet and then I found all of you on this website. I now get up every morning and tune into your messages…
  • WW's work because you have to fesh up and go public in the meetings. When I looked at the cost (join and weekly cost) for 1 meeting a week, its too much. Asked my neighbour if she would help out and she agreed. Now as I am just starting out this week, I will be going to her every Friday and weighing in and she will be…
  • I just love it when these companies get caught and yes I agree everyone of them should be sued. If not why wouldn't they all do it in time. No consequences.
  • I am staying on track today because I'm so sick of being in pain from carrying all this weight and know if I don't do it now my older years I will be a invalid. Really scares me. This is the second day of the rest of my life.!!! Thank you all. Keep posting, I need your inspiration.
  • You are amazing! I really would like to know how you quit the smoking. Have tried everything out there. To do that and loose the weight. Actually your comments above about the exercising you do and did and work too. Wow I can now see that all of that took over the time we sit and smoke. That makes so much sense. I am going…
  • I've been seeing a lot of this breakfast in muffin tins lately. Why I never thought of this before. Wish I had thought of it when I had to go out to work. Have got to try some of these!!!
  • This is what I needed to hear and see today, the first day of my new life style. Congrats all your hard work and I know you make it look easy, but I can guess that there were some very difficult times so I will take that with me and remember you, when I get to those times. The very best health for you in the future. You've…
  • Not in Mn but just starting our Canadian winter. Know what your saying. Want all of those comfort dishes as it gets colder. One thing that stops me from getting down during the winter and my Doctor suggested this, is change all of you light bulbs to higher wants and take vitamin D. It is well know bright light enhances the…
  • I only dieted once before and dropped 3o lbs. That was when I was in my late 20's. I remember I felt terrible and did not look good either. I say my doctor and he advised me to throw out everything you've seen about your height and your weight should be this etc etc. He told me because my frame was so large I must not go…
  • Men are wired a different way. To them that would be a legit question and would have no idea that you were emotional about the question. Always communication is key. Please tell him how you feel about it. Even the best of husbands over the time of your marriage, forget that we as women are wired very differently! Keep the…