Invest in a chest strap HR monitor (I love my polar monitor) and wear it for all of your exercise. You'll get a really accurate reading of the calories expended in a given session that way. Everything else is an estimate and if you want clear metrics there really isn't a better way. Also, you can use your height and…
You got this. One day at a time, slowly but surely you'll get there. It will not be easy but it will absolutely be worth it.
Sinus congestion with cold and working out are a bad combo and you'll just make yourself sicker for longer. Hit the Mucinex D from the pharmacy counter (the stuff you need id for) and drinks lots of water. Sinus irrigation works wonders if you have a kit. Stay hydrated and go back to the gym when your head cold is gone.…
I used to have that same fear. I started power walking HIIT intervals and gradually worked my way up running them at incline and I no longer hate it and I'm not afraid anymore. I just ho on and rin. It's also made me a better faster outdoor runner. If you have a polar HR monitor their app has some pretty good interval…
I love OTF!! I've been going for over a year and it's the best!
Are you able to squat properly without weight? For me it took some time to learn the prior movement and get increased range of motion and depth in my squats. I found that a sumo stance worked well for me and maybe it's something to try for you. I found it very helpful to have the movement down solidly before I started…
The answer varies depending on your age, height, gender and muscle mass. Ex. I'm 6ft tall, with a desk job but I workout high intensity 6 days a week for about an hour. I lift and have a fair amount of muscle mass. I need to eat about 2000 calories to maintain my current state. To create a safe deficit I could decrease to…