This happened to me with my first and I found trying to follow a "Paleo" diet helped shift those last lbs. It took way longer than the rest of the weight to shift though!
Hi everyone! I had a c-section nearly 7 weeks ago and still have a fair bit of baby weight to lose. She's totally worth it though! If anyone wants to add me, please do - I'm currently filling in my food diary every day. Just wish I could stop myself having creamy hot drinks in cafes!
Thanks for this valibu - really good ideas!
Hello! My little girl is 6 weeks old on Monday and I've got 11 pounds more to lose - I lost my appetite for a while after my c-section, so the first 28 pounds disappeared after 10 days! Now I need to lose the rest in a more sensible time frame (hopefully by Christmas)! Please feel free to add me if you're also trying to…