katie8032 Member


  • I made a binder with all the meals our family loves and print out a calendar for the month to put in the front. I pencil in meals throughout the month, knowing I can erase and rearrange as needed. But it helps take the guess work out of meal planning. For breakfast, lunch, and snacks, I am trying something new and made a…
  • There is a crystal light powder with caffeine. It's in single serve pouches. I weaned off caffeine using those. I filled a water bottle, dumped in a packet and each day for two weeks decreased how much I drank of the bottle. It's the first time I've gone off caffeine without the horrible side effects. I love soda and still…
  • I successfully weaned myself off of caffeine. In the past I have gone cold turkey, but this time I did it very slowly so it was much more manageable! It's been serveral years since I've been caffeine free. I feel great!
  • True The next person always returns library books on time.
  • I was at an event for work yesterday with a catered lunch. I passed the bread basket and didn't feel sad to not take any. It didn't seem worth the calories to me. The main dish wand sides were great and fairly healthy. There was really good chocolate cake for dessert and I made a choice at the start of the meal that I'd…
  • 30 pound difference