SweetDesiderata Member


  • I just started on MFP for the umpteenth time, so don't feel bad. I have been in it for 8 days now. Dont worry about little slips, they are going to happen. Just pick yourself up and move on :smile:
  • Welcome to the group! Congrats on logging for 14 days in a row! I am just finishing up my first week, and have already lost 6 pounds so far. Of course, most of that is water weight I am sure, but it's still 6 pounds none the less! And yes, I agree that logging does make you realize just how much you could actually eat in a…
  • OP, I just sent you a request! I too am looking to build my support group, so anyone else here is more than welcome to add me! I post status updates on a regular basis... probably too much, lol. I like to keep a positive attitude and promote encouragement! I also like to interact with other friends that post status…
  • I just sent a friend request :smile: I try to comment on people posts, and at the very least I like them! I myself go a little crazy posting, lol.
  • Yep, alcohol is definitely something I have made an absolute goal to cut! I was easily drinking 3-4 days a week. And the stuff I like to drink is just FULL of sugar and cals! My drink of choice is the Strawberritas... I would get 3 cans of those and call it a night! I too have the problem that if I am tipsy, then I have to…
  • Wow!! Congrats! Looks like you have done a fantastic job, and so inspiring to see!
  • Violet: I can't imagine how hard it must be to do something like this when you are surrounded by people who arent fully supporting you. Since I am a full time student, I am currently living with my mother. I am very lucky in that she supports me 100% and even though she is currently not eating healthy, she does try to keep…
  • Welcome! I just sent you a friend request. I am not new to MFP, but just starting back up again after being off the wagon for quite a while. I have 152 lbs to lose, and am always looking to build my support group!
  • I do this exact same thing, but with the Winn-Dixie brand. 1 packet in a big 32 ounce cup of water. Works great for me!
  • Accepted! And congrats on the 67 days! I dont think I have ever made it that long, lol. I am hoping with all these amazing people that I am adding to my friends, that I can stick with it this time. :smile:
  • Yep, this is what always ends up getting me!! Before I would allow myself a cheat day and just go crazy (and not track it), but I think this time around I am not going to do that. I am still eating what I want but also tracking it. I am also not going to allow myself to have temptation around me. Last night for instance,…
  • Well, I am 39... does that count? lol.
  • HLaR79: I am with you on hating summer! I am in FL, and the heat and humidity here is just insane in the summer! I do NOT do any walking this time of year aside from the walking I get done during school. I am proud of myself today... I forgot my credit card when I left the house this A.M. so I started out my day having to…
  • Awesome! Thank you for sharing! As others have said, it is very inspiring :smile:
  • Ok, well here goes! Since I am only on day two, I am keeping my goals simple, so as not to overwhelm myself. So, this week's goal: Track all the things! If it's going in my mouth I will track it! Seems a bit simple, but the times I have been doing this and fall off the wagon almost immediatley it's been because I set all…
  • Thank you everyone! Yes, I did see the accountability thread and the monthly challenges. They look very helpful for motivation. I will join in on those soon :smile:
  • Hi! I just sent you a friend request. I have also just joined this group myself. I am currently 39 years old and weigh in at 307 pounds. I have been on MFP for a while now, but have just gotten back into it after falling off the wagon for too long! Good luck on your journey!
  • I am also looking for more friends! Trying to build my MFP support group!
  • I am right there with you! Just started back up today after a long hiatus and much weight gain. I am looking to build my support group on here, so feel free to add me as a friend!
  • I too am starting up again. Literally just jumped back on the site yesterday for the first time in a while! I am currently at 307. I have gotten into such a BAD eating habit that I have not only gained all this weight, but I also feel like total crap. No motivation, and am just tired all the time. I am currently a full…