Blackdawn_70631 Member


  • That's it. If you have a chore list, put "workout" on your chore list. I finish my mental chore list - sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, dusting, laundry, dishes (don't do all that in one day, but throughout the entire week.) Then when I finish my house cleaning, the next thing on my chore list is my workout. And honestly, I'm…
  • Protein, water and sleep to repair muscle. You're right. The issue I was pointing is that people on a diet are not on a healthiest enough diet to support muscle growth (protein). Neglect to feed and care for your muscles and you won't see the kind of results you'll be expecting. It's not just about grabbing something heavy…
  • What I do. I don't go off that. Take your numbers off of MFP of how many calories to eat a day, then go over to Fitbit and edit your "calories burned". Put your MFP number into calories burned. That will help balance you better on fitbit. Even if it's saying you have all these extra calories to eat on fitbit, if you are…
  • Okay. I got my results off my Fitbit Surge: Just Dance 2015 Calvin Harris - Summer 3:29 Length 19 Calories Burned 3 Minutes Cardio 1 Minute Fat Burn 99 bpm (beats per minute) starting heart rate 136 Average bpm My workouts before this was weights and a core workout. So by the time I started my heart rate is already up and…
  • I never thought about that. Need to look into that too.
  • Yes to all the above. I have some weights on home. So since I have no cable pull I replace that with weights.
  • Home workout doer here. My doctor was all interested in my weight loss. How I was doing it, what I was doing, where. She was shocked when I said I just eat less and move more. Then even more surprised when my success was done all at home. Set foot in a gym only one time.
  • Could do baby steps with that. Back straight, leg out, bend, then pick up off a chair. Repeat until you feel more confident your back will hold out.
  • I've been hearing bout weighted bridges. The next I have to do is see a specialist so I know what to do and not, but I can't see one right now. Fast forward a few months after I was diagnosed with Osteoarthritis and me and my husband finally get our loans and we are rid of credit debt. One of which we got into when he got…
  • Which is why we all have to drink plenty of water.
  • Osteoarthritis. Any stairs, squats, lunges, weights or resistance band progresses it.
  • Muscle does burn fat. But the only gripe about this is that your muscle is under fat, so you have these newly developing muscles under your fat that will be pushing your fat out. Meaning your body will expand some at first. There shouldn't be much weight gain at first, there may be because of the developing muscle adding…
  • Weight loss is what you have to do. Butt exercises will build up muscle under your fat and give you a bigger butt actually. An intense cardio burn with a very good deficit will give you results. This I know by experience because I had a big butt. I was doing squats to keep my massive 47 inches which was working. But then I…
  • Tomorrow I need to remember clock how many calories burned for a three minute song. I have a Surge, so my watch isn't going solely by movement but my heart rate as well. For best results though, do some warm up exercises before dancing, that way your heart rate will be up and stay in the fat burn zone while your dancing.
  • When I finally switched to maintain, I found it hard to eat 2,300+ calories, but had to wean my stomach back in. The other bit is that I wasn't eating anything and everything. While losing weight, I discovered my body felt better with more carbs but didn't do so well with sodium. I was so bloated at the end of the day. And…
  • I agree with MFP calorie burn numbers. Way to high. It is good to see how much I'm eating though.
  • I lift at home as well and just started 4 weeks ago with a 10 lb dumbbell. Tris, bicep curls, hammer curls, shoulder press and flat floor press. This is also 3 times a week for 15 minutes or so, along with regular protein, I'm already seeing results. Another note is that I lost nearly 50 pounds. 20 here on MFP. So if you…
  • It is and it's not. You have to start off slow to build up the strength in your knees. After practice, you'll be OK. Have osteoarthritis in both knees and can work Zumba just fine. However I can't do an hour every day though.
  • Is there a thread for newbies on those needing help on a treadmill? Tried jogging today on my treadmill and liked how my heart was pounding. It felt great. But the gait of the treadmill is to short for my long legs that takes long strides. However I didn't know I had to hop into the jog. Once I figured it out it was pretty…
  • Whatever works best for you through trying out various brands. I've tried many, wired and none, large to small, expensive to cheap,. Surprisingly, what works best for me is what my husband won on an auction site for free. And even on the site they only cost .99 cents. It's the Gummy brand JVC headphones. Only thing that…
  • Play with the dogs. People have kids, I have dogs.
  • Yes, that is good. The problem now is that advertisement says you can do better, "Lose thirty pounds in thirty days!" When that is actually false advertising. It's just a gimmick to get you to buy the product. For instance, I've lost an average of 25 pounds so far. But in a time frame of three years. That is good. It is…
  • Vaseline over night. You'll wake up feeling better. Then Vaseline after your walk.
  • My one tip is to lose slow. Even if it does take a year. Everyone says it's not healthy for the body, which it isn't (not healthy). But lots of people choose to ignore that. So let me push that to the side and say this. Losing 5 pounds weekly can cause SAGGY SKIN. And nasty stretch marks all over your body. And it takes a…
  • Weight loss is the best decrease. Unless you already lost weight. If you're at your weight goal and still have large breasts you'll need surgery. Toning wise is best to use weights, at your front and pushups. This doesn't tone the breasts being they are made of fat but will tone your muscles underneath on your breast plate…
  • Depends on what you eat. If you're an eater of everything and anything then yes, exercise. But if you're a grazer nibbling, taking in very few calories at a time, there's no need. However, even though you are walking it's not legit exercise. Exercise you have to get your heart rate up, breathing hard and sweating.
  • Me: 20 LNS: 2 Got a lil behind on my posts, but still held strong.