I know. I tried telling myself, "Who needs brains when you got these." It helped me not be depressed for about 7 months, but then i relapsed. Every monday all I can do is think about quitting my job.
i tried lifting weights once, but I started to build pecs under my man boobs and it only made them bigger. i went from c cups to d cups. all i do is cardio, but it never pays off.
Yes, i am serious. some days i feel like quitting my job at GameStop and moving to Hawaii. I'm never going to be rich or have a good body. no girls want me.
who needs brains when you got these, hoss? rack em, I'm out...
it isn't fair that I have these outrageous pecs even though I chow down on burgers and pizza all day. some people got it, some don't i guess.
why drink diet soda? you could go grab a pint of cool, creamy Ben and Jerry's instead. a pint of chunky monkey sounds good right now. mmmmmmm....
aviva 92
Bro... Do you even LIFT? as in 2 weights at the same time???