dtwells126 Member


  • There are a few people in my office who have stability balls in addition to chairs to help with core and posture, it looks strange at first but then you get used to seeing it. My company has a gym on site, so I use my lunch break to workout. Not "getting paid to work out" per say, but works for me. Gives me an hour back at…
  • My place of employment also has a Wellness Coach, and they used as basically a mixture of a friend/gym trainer/motivator/nutritionist/therapist. We have free access to them at work and when I go we talk about my diet, weight loss progress and issues, what my goals are, tips for healthier lifestyles, how to incorporate new…
  • ~320 Aug 2014 ~280 June 2015 Dont have any pictures from my highest weight, which was 368, and im currently at 271. Still about 40lbs away from my initial goal weight of where I think I want to be, will re-assess when I get there and see how Im feeling about body composition at that point. While I have lost alot overall it…