audiolovestory Member


  • Feeling pretty good but my back was super sore this morning when I woke up. Just being careful not to turn too fast and watching my form. I get sore backs a lot though so I think during the back day I may just use lighter weights for now.
  • Rest day today. My back is pretty sore I think from Build: Shoulders. I don't have a bench and my stability ball is pretty low to the ground so I think I did the move incorrectly where you lay face down and shrug. Hmm.
  • Build: Back & Bi's complete!
  • Just completed Build: Legs and as a ballet dancer it really wasn't too bad. I could definitely increase the weights a lot. I only have up to 10 lb dumbbells and then a single 20 lb & 25 lb weight. I could have done at least twice that. I was however sweating like crazy during the step up moves. Whoo!
  • Workout #1 - Build: Chest/Tris = Complete! My arms are shaking just picking up a fork! I started off easy with 2/4/6/10 lb weights. My husband has a set somewhere that I believe should be heavier so I will work my way up to that. I loved this workout! Question: I am scheduled to do Build: Legs for the 1st time tomorrow,…
  • It came today! I'm going to try to get in a workout sometime today if I can work it into my schedule!
  • Hi! I will be starting Body Beast on Wednesday after a very effective informercial at 6am. I have been having difficulty losing weight the past year due to some hormone issues. I eat very clean (Paleo-ish, organic, non-processed, Pescatarian) My doctor put me on medication to correct the hormone issue but suggested that I…