sd4Texas Member


  • @StaciMarie1974 so would that Walmart brand of salmon have a USDA number assigned to it that I can then enter into MFP? Thanks!
  • @collectingblues the usda site you linked me to doesn't give calorie count. Is it suppose to? I put in this type of salmon on the usda site search box and this came up but no calorie count.
  • @amyepdx so how long did it take you to lose the 90 plus pounds?
  • @ladyreva78 what does TDEE mean?
  • @collectingblues ....then maybe MFP should have more accurate calorie counts and needs to be more specific. It doesn't help if MFP associates the wrong calories with the food.
  • @StaciMarie1974 i always use the weight of my food before grilling, cooking, etc. I always try to use the "verified" MFB calorie estimates for food, too, unless there's none verified or has that green check mark, then I make the best selection I can. I buy wild catch salmon, too.
  • @beaglebrandon and really, my typical lunch is this and not a chick fil a soup.
  • I count everything....spices, snacks, coffee, condiments, etc. Here's a snapshot of a typical day (excluding the wine) when I don't exercise. I have a glass of wine twice a week.
  • There are 3 nights a week I eat late because of my husband's work schedule. I eat those nights around 8:30 p.m. Someone told me that affects weight gain, too. But if I'm staying within my calorie intake, what different does that matter? @StaciMarie1974 then what's the benefit of using my MFP to set a goal of losing 2…
  • I’m 5’6 and yes, I used the MFP the calculate the 1200 calories per day. I do not eat back my exercise calories as I don’t consider those calories I should eat back since I only walk/speed walk. I do use a food scale to weigh all of my food. It’s a good digital scale, too! I also weigh myself only once a week on the same…