dawn_michelle Member


  • Hey! 24 years old and have a few goals I am trying to reach! My biggest is to tone up some more for my wedding in 45 DAYS!!! Looking for motivation and support :) (Anybody) Feel free to add me!
  • I am so sorry this is happening to you...I can't imagine what you are going through. Well, I can, but not to this degree. I've been there...with "that" guy...thank god we weren't married, but I spent way too many years of my life in denial, trying to change him, to get him to stop looking at, talking to, seeing other…
  • I had a bad cold last weekend and was eating anything that I thought might help soothe my throat...soup, yogurt, applesauce, tea with honey...I thought ice cream would be good, but we didn't have any. We had a tub of cool whip in the freezer so I thought I'd try a spoonful of that because it was really cold but still…
  • Was doing so well the last two months, super motivated, going to the gym every day. And have barely noticed any changes...I know it takes time, but I'm really regretting not starting sooner. My wedding is now less than 2 months away, so I basically have one more month...and am not even close to where I want to be. I know…
  • I'm 5'2 and 130 lbs. when I'd reached my maximum weight of 155lbs I joined and over the last couple years I'd lost 35 lbs. unfortunately, over the last year I've gained back 10 lbs that I would like to lose again. I definitely wasn't too thin, and even then I wanted to lose more body fat. Just remember that weight isn't…
  • I feel for you! My entire family is addicted to junk food (my brother with his Pop and chips, my mom eats half a bag of smart food popcorn every night, everyone loves their chocolate) there is always so much bad food in the house, that even though I have all the healthy real food that I love to eat, I am always tempted and…
  • Getting married May 2015, just over 6 months away!! Been engaged for almost 11 months now, got my dress really quickly afterwards and got most of the big plans out of the way... I don't have a whole lot of weight to lose, but I definitely don't have the body I wish I did...since getting engaged I've also gained back about…
  • I'm getting married May 1, 2015- just over 6 months away! Also will be in two weddings over next summer and fall, so I've got tons of incentive to get into shape...(not to mention the fact that I want to do it to be healthy and happy... I have never been comfortable with my body and would like to have the best body that I…