sarahruss2 Member


  • Thanks for the info an congrats! I may try this myself!
  • anyone still carb cycling? or try something new? I sorta fell off the wagon of cycling and thought just tweeting with my macros might be better but I truly don't know what my macros should be!?!
  • Hi! Can you tell me what your routine is. How many days do you stay under 40 and how many days do you stay under 100. I don't count carbs but I estimate I eat no more than 50. I know I won't have a problem staying under 100 on high carb day but I was worried about gaining weight back. [/quote] I did LC/Keto for a while and…
  • I am with you-- there is so much conflicting advice out there. I wish I understand the science behind eating 30 minutes after waking up and eating every 3 hours VERSUS so much I read about intermittent fasting (going for say 14-16 hours without food, so nothing after dinner until lunch next day). Both camps seem to think…
  • Hey! Congrats on your progress! I am no expert but from my experience and the more I read, I think you might not be eating enough. The theory is that by eating less than you are burning for an extended period of time, you have stunted your metabolism. Might want to check out the info from Eat More to Weigh Less. Here's a…
  • Thanksgiving week will be my first slingshot week (5 days maybe). Not go crazy with carbs - yes some but also lots of turkey, great veggies & salads too. I won't have carb heavy foods that I don't LOVE - like I'll skip the stuffing and some pies that aren't my favorites. I WILL have my favorites though and throughly enjoy…
  • I sounded too angelic in my last post. I think I will always love chocolate. One thing I have on LC days is "left over" from my complete LCHF days when I needed fat bombs (food with low/no carbs and low protein and very high fat) is coconut oil melted with unsweetened cocoa powder and stevia. Also do melted coconut oil…
  • Just wanted to say that I chose Halloween as a HC/reward day so I could eat some candy. I was sooooo excited for the reese's cup…had it…and it was just ok. So I went it for some other chocolate--milky way. Should be dreamy…it was ok. SO WEIRD. Kinda disappointed but actually quite thrilled! Maybe I lost my taste for…
  • This plan is a healthy and balanced way of eating. Add exercise in there and its all good! Stick to it everyone, stay positive and smile :)
  • How did the first couple of days go for you?
  • Wow! I know everyone is different, but can you please tell (remind) me what cycle you were doing and how long you did the slingshot for (a full week?).
  • Pretty good, thanks! My parents were visiting for 4 days, so that really was 4 HC days (one really a cheat day!) and so now that they are gone, I'm back to LC (2nd day today) but my appetite is just pretty big. I think if I can eat just a small no carb dinner tonight, I'll be right back on track.
  • Hi and welcome! What cycle do you tend to follow? Has it worked for you?
  • Congrats Tiff! That is awesome. My mom and sis on thyroid meds and I know from them that it can be frustrating and take a bit of time for changes. I wish you well (but again, you seem to be doing great!).
  • anyone else find it harder to keep calories low on LC carbs? I have been ending up eating more calories on LC than HC days…not sure if that will work...
  • I don't think I ever answered the questions you posed when forming the group. I work out 4-5/week (kickboxing one day, and HIIT 1-2 days and then just cardio/strength/functional training for the others). Started carb cycling (decided to follow Chris Powell's carb cycling, not sure which of his cycles I will stick to…
  • Thank you Sue!
  • Thanks Tiff! Good info and good to hear you are losing weight and seem to be enjoying your food :) I do think every person has to play around with this a little and see what works best for them. So far so good here. Really love my energy levels and "happy" feelings now that I have put good carbs back into my diet -- i was…
  • Thanks so much!
  • Hello. Sarah here again. I don't know how to post a reply to someone (so that the original post can be seen). Can anyone help me? I have loved my results in carb cycling so far. Lots of energy, no bloating (from carb overload) and very slowly dropping weight. I work out pretty hard (cardio and weights) 4-5 times/week but…
  • Thoughts on these: -Importance of high carb breakfast every day, even on LC days. Seems counter intuitive? -Jorge cruise doesn't use net carbs. So quest bars would be only for HC days? I wonder if I should use net carbs or not? -having very little fat on HC days. Why? Thanks.
  • Hi. New to this group and just started carb cycling. Tried low-carb/keto diet in past and it worked well for a while but couldn't maintain low carb forever and started putting a few pounds on while still on the diet. Needed a change! Does anyone know what the differences are between Chris Powell carb cycling and Jorge…