Yeah he is and has showed me what to do it's getting easier with practise and the weights are going up faster than I thought. In my gym there are not a lot of women in the weights section it's mainly men
The regime I am on
As it's all men in the gym and I feel like that's really extreme for beginners.
Hey Guys! Please can you guys help me partner is a PT and has given me a work out plan and I feel like its really manly. It includes squats, benchpress, bent over row, overhead press, dips and pull ups. The workout for me feels to advanced as a newbie but most of all I feel stupid walking into the gym doing this sort of…
Lovely people I am looking to start a weight lifting programe however I feel very manly walking into my weight section in the gym..Any tips to help me not feel so silly? All you guys are great by the way :)
Hello I am 23 and I am trying to lose weight but lacking motivation to stay on track as my programme is mainly weight lifting and I feel uncomortable in the weight section..Anyone else feel that way? I would love the support of each other feel free to add me!