

  • I'm so touched and motivated by all your comments! I tried to add everyone as friend, if I forgot someone, I promise, it wasn't by choice so pls add me :-) A few people have said that they were on the 5:2. Can I ask what other diets you're all on at the moment? I've tried a lot of different one, only to realise those that…
  • I absolutely respect you for writing this post and admitting your struggle this way. I think the comments above have said it all, so I'm gonna try not to be too long. Whether you decide to take it one day at a time, join a group's challenge, whether you want to be accountable to someone and give them something after each…
  • Hi There!!! I'm starting my diet on Monday.... No support at all around me! Anyone who's just started or looking for mutual motivation? Message me! :-)