

  • Name: Viki Age: 21 (22 tomorrow!) Height: 5 ft 5 in Start weight (1st Feb): 157.2 lbs Goal weight (1st March): 150 lbs Weigh ins: 1st Feb: 157.2 8th Feb: 155.8 15th Feb: 155.0 22nd Feb: 152.0 1st March: Weight loss/gain this week: -3.0 Weight loss/gain so far this month: -5.2 Struggles/successes this week: So I didn't post…
  • Name: Viki Age: 21 Height: 5 ft 5 in Start weight (1st Feb): 157.2 lbs Goal weight (1st March): 150 lbs Weigh ins: 1st Feb: 157.2 8th Feb: 155.8 15th Feb: 22nd Feb: 1st March: Weight loss/gain this week: 1.4 Weight loss/gain so far this month: 1.4 Struggles/successes this week: I've managed to actually stay (relatively) on…
  • I'm in! I definitely need the motivation! :smile: Name: Viki Age: 21 Height: 5 ft 5 in Start weight (1st Feb): 157.2 lbs Goal weight (1st March): 150 lbs Weigh ins: 1st Feb: 157.2 8th Feb: 15th Feb: 22nd Feb: 1st March: Weight loss/gain this week: n/a Weight loss/gain so far this month: n/a Struggles/successes this week: I…