slimandsmiling Member


  • Hi.. I would say measure everything before eating it.. I know it is hard with Mac Donalds craving.. What stopped me going there is knowing I can't stall in my range and east there.. Over time you may well find other food choices taste better and you will naturally make better choices.. Remember processed food is high in…
  • I lost 24lbs and people haven't noticed..those that did thought I looked okay before (and I really didn't)..others think I don't need to lose more. I felt hurt at first that no one saw it but now I don't care.I only have to wake up each day to me and be happy with my choices and journey..Well done on a good weight loss x
  • I am trying to explore going missing veggie ..I would welcome some more vegan..before friends to xx
  • I think it might be cheaper to buy a machine and alter myself as I have around 6 or 8 blouses to change,2 skirts,2 trousers,1 or 2 dresses...I was trying to lose weight to fit my wardrobe but now have gone down more than I thought possible. It is a funny phenomenon but some how wearing bigger clothes feels just as bad as…
  • I knew I was big and needed to lose weight .. now people tell me...don't lose anymore or you were fine as you were.. but I didn't feel fine and now I feel happy and attractive..why can't people say wow well done x...I think you look great by the way xx I realise this journey was for me so I don't need to take on what other…
  • I found I lost weight when I started logging and found some friends help inspire me to exercise regularly...your food journey will develop along its way...good luck with your journey.
  • Thank you guys..I'm going to start doing more lifting and read up on how to ensure good technique...I still have a bit of a stomach so think this could also really help tone up my stomach and my arms could do with some defining to.. and I also need to learn to ignore my kids sometimes..I suppose sometimes we all hurt…
  • ...what is a recomp? Is that lifting? I have bought a bar bell and some weights...I haven't done much more than once a week body pump stuff? How could that work? I do really enjoy body pump.
  • thanks for your thoughts guys.. I think my kids meant well.. if my youngest hadn't asked me why I had boobs on my back, I wouldn't have started this journey with so much focus.. so I kinda have him to thank for now being slimmer. I feel really sad when he first called me fat.
  • I used to 'treat' myself before find mfp.. now I make sure everything I eat I enjoy so it makes my breakfast, lunch and dinner all a treat. I know this might sound a bit idealistic but today I really enjoyed a lemon yoghurt with grapes after dinner instead of the ice cream I would have had before this journey. I am so…
  • that made me chuckle.. good job you can think creatively. :)
  • Now the kids are back in school I hope to get my running act together.
  • thank you everyone, the reason I stopped eating tonight is because I went over my protein and carbs (even though it was all quite modest really).. I had no idea what fat to have so I decided to have nothing more. On my jogging days I like to feel satisfied so I can start my exercising with energy. oddly I also find after a…
  • Hi..change in main dressing area but put on swim wear in sauna..we don't go naked in saunas unless it is a single sex gym x
  • Hi..I would like to join in please..I've just gone from couch to 5km can now jog 5km okay..I will aim for 25 miles to start with :)
  • Hi .. I have managed to lose weight so far but don't completely know what I am doing right or wrong. I know when I eat about 900-1000 cals.per day I lose weight and if I eat some back after doing running for 5km the loss is less. I don't understand how to calculate my TDEE .. how do I figure out what my LBM is and is that…
  • I was over on both days by about 400 calories I think.. and tonight I am going to clear out the xmas pudding, cava left over and other stuff I don't normally eat and tomorrow I am back to healthier stuff. I actually feel really full tonight and don't feel as good with as much food inside of me..I enjoyed eating stuff I…
  • lol, well.. that is good to know.. will keep wearing it then.. happy xmas!
  • Hi.. I am sure most doctors are aware that they should not talk to a parent of an adult child about their health (even if the parent implies they may know about their child's health). There are two things you could do to ensure, for sure, that your details are kept more private. firstly make sure you only have your mobile…
  • wow.. you don't look like the same person, that is really amazing.. super well done
  • one of my friends has told me to eat carbs the night before a run and then something before running (assuming it is the next day).. and I have been told that it is then best to eat straight after you finish running as apparently your body is still in calorie burning mode and so the food burns up quicker. I would play…
  • I am probably a bit older than you and what I have realised is that everything in my life has actually worked out exactly as it was meant to. I tried to get my ex to stay in love with me but he just couldn't do it.. when we broke up I thought others would be there to help me but they weren't able to offer the full support…
  • I want to have run at least a cumulative 500km..but the end of 2015.. :)
  • I think this whole process of losing weight is a personal one..I did something called diet chef two years a go but didn't like most of what they sent me as it tasted so processed. Mfp has finally taught me portion control..and I make cause and effect choices now..I also exercise at home or jog outside..I did try swimming…
  • Hi I have a garmin watch for running and I love it and I'm getting a fitbit for Xmas..I intend to use the fitbit to monitor myself when I'm just doing day to day stuff so I can monitor how active I really am..I don't plan on syncing either..I'm not too worried about that.hope that was a bit helpful :)
  • I was the same when first met my ex I was 116lbs.. and I thought I was fat.. for the last decade after 2 kids and divorce I have been around 140-146lbs.. I am finally and GW at the moment is 130lbs.. I am feeling a lot more in control of my body since joining mfp rather than feeling my body was controlling me.x I am 5'4" x
  • I'm counting most of my calories by scanning the food and guessing what is 100g say.. I was shocked the other day how little 75g of rice is.. I've been eating twice that :blush: .. I think I am getting better at counting.. our evening meal needs to get split three ways because I cook for the whole family so find it tricky…
  • add me too.. I am new too.. and would like some more friends.. if anyone else wants a friend just let me know :)
  • I am looking daily to..please also add me anyone as new and would love to journey with others x