MackieDrew Member


  • I've been eating pure gluten for protein! I've lost 15 kgs (~33 lbs) so far, feels great.
  • Add me, similar boat, I intend to lose 35kg (~75 lbs?). I'm a snoop and as long as you log your food everyday, I'll watch it. With me snooping maybe you will feel a little more pressure to eat healthy. I've lost 6kg in the last 27 days and I did it by restricting my calories based on my body fat %. The theoretical upper…
  • Muscle burns calories quite well. Pack on the lean mass, lose the fat, it will increase your BMR no doubt. Some things are roughly associated with increased metabolism but it's pretty much negligible. The slowest metabolism including conditions of a medical nature vary the BMR by only 200 kcal per day. Which is honestly…
  • Great work so far! I'd absolutely love to see more of your journey and help anyway I can. I have not been so large, so I don't know what works in that case but I'll give some advice I've best heard. * Exercise is important, but diet is about 5 times important at this stage. I'd love to see more specifically what you've…
  • The most I have seen multi-vitamins be is 15 calories/pill. 15 calories can be burnt by:* sitting still for 10 minutes * Drinking a cup of hot black tea (heat costs energy to dissipate) * walking for 2 minutes Since calories-in-calories-out is tied to fundamental laws of the universe they certainly won't make you fat on…