And I wish I could've shrunk that picture a bit, it's huge lol.
You're just experiencing self doubt. Don't let it get to you. Embrace the fear of change, don't let it shy you away from becoming a better, stronger version of yourself. Change is the gateway to growth, it is in no way a bad thing to produce changes in your life. I can tell you that, even though I'm still nowhere near…
Count me in
I like this stuff called "Kaloriendefizit." It works great. I think it's German, or something
When I started in March of 2012, I didn't really go off of my maintenance, but if I had to guess, probably about 1,000 per day, if I went off of lean body mass to calculate my maintenance. Dropped from 291 to 184(107lb loss) from March 7th, 2012, to early February, 2013. Lost the dedication for some reason for about a…