Thanks everyone
Make healthier version of the junkie crap food you enjoy. Make a home made big mac with lean meat and whole grain bun for example.
Once you change your lifestyle, you will grow to enjoy it. After a while you won't desire the old habits.
You can lose that weight!!! don't give up.
whoa, thats amazing, totally inspired me.
Eat quality protein after a workout, I wouldn't get fixated on the calories
Frustration does burn calories :)
yum butternut squash risotto
...for the refined pallette
KiTKats, skittles and 3 Muskeeters, wash it down with a mountain dew. Then go jump on an elliptical for 35 minutes. Sounds like a plan.
I'm in - 225 Lbs. Gw - 220 weighing in after Thanksgiving is going to be tough
Its not just about calories, excess sugar, doesnt do a body good.
If you're going to eat candy, how about elevating your tastes to dark chocolate or something of better quality instead of that kids stuff.