DiabeticJournaI Member


  • Hahaha!! I thought the same thing for a second there Cynthia! But yeah, I will definitely try my best to have breakfast in the morning, especially eggs! I'll just wake up much earlier so I won't have to rush. Now to get my sleeping schedule on track, LOL....see, that might take a while. :sweat_smile:
  • My profile! :) https://www.fitbit.com/user/4DDGG8
  • I do love plain greek yogurt!! I wouldnt mind trying the egg whites in the morning too, just have to make time for them, haha. But thank you so much, it means a lot!
  • Thank you again blues; & yes, I know it'd be completely irresponsible for anyone to tell me how much insulin I should take over the internet. However, that wasn't what I intended my question to be. More so, if there were any low-carb diets? I'd just really like to try some to see if it'd make a difference. That's all.
  • @collectingblues Yeah, you're right. It's just that my insurance isn't the best, but thankfully I'm changing that soon so that my options can vary! Thanks so much for trying to help :) @My4happykids Thank you so much!! I'm definitely going to look into him and see what he's all about. Means a lot!
  • Yes I've mentioned the spikes and he just told me to go to diabetic conferences and meetings which are in the morning and I can't attend. That is why I've already tried doing my own research online and now I'm asking for help within the community here for a low-carb diet since that might help me a ton. Edit: No, you're not…
  • He's having me take 33 units of Lantis (long acting) in the morning and 10 units of Humalog as needed before meals (fast acting)