Arianera Member


  • I'm a big fan of red lentil soup (sometimes called Shorbet Ads or Jacob's Pottage) Some people add a small amount of noodles to the pot at the end I also really like You can also take the…
  • Pre-cook steel cut oatmeal and freeze in muffin-tin sized portions. Then microwave and go.
  • Good class last night. But this morning, I am trying to decide whether my sore low back is just DOMS from chipping ice plus a few too many kicks, or if I am on the verge of a low back spasm...
  • Nice to see the slow and steady successes along with all the dramatic ones. You look great
  • Welcome @alatariel75 Thanks for the commiseration on the throat punch. It's just a bit sore today, but nothing dangerous. Totally off topic - but I was disproportionally saddened by the news about Leonard Nimoy.
  • Well last night was (too) exciting. I was too slow on a group reaction-time drill and someone missed the pad I was holding and punched me in the throat instead by mistake. I'm OK, and continued the class after taking a few minutes for the shock to wear off. We found out last week that my son is continuing his consistent…
  • @Tat2dDude_0105‌ Just as different TKD lineages have a different balance of punching, kicking, and other, what "Kempo" is depends on the teacher and the school. Both the Okinawa Kempo of my previous school and the Chinese Kempo of my current school are self-defense oriented, balanced, martial arts that use kicking and…
  • Tried packing bento-style again today. Beta Blend (mashed sweet potatoes, turnip & carrots), white beans & escarole, steamed frozen green beans, hard boiled egg - approximately 400 cal. The Beta Blend and Beans & Greens were planned-overs from Friday's dinner. I took the egg out temporarily before heating the rest.
  • Congratulations!
  • @daisy_henchliffe Two thoughts for you 1) Does your local grocery store have prepared entrees? While not quite as healthy as home-cooked, they are often better that the frozen meals - and then all you would have to do is heat in the microwave 2) Could you get a buddy to spend an afternoon putting up soups, stews and pasta…
  • Actually I do have a suggestion - Do you have access to any physical therapists who specialize in PF rehab? I tried it, and got modest improvement (would likely have had more if I'd been more diligent with the follow-up program). The program was more than just just Kegels (though it did involve them for specific patterns…
  • @rayfu75 What did you end up deciding?
  • I don't know enough about lifting to have any helpful advice, but as someone else with post-childbearing PF limitations, I'm very happy to see you asking
  • Beans and greens! Rinse a can of beans. brown garlic and onion in olive oil, add the beans, add rinsed and torn greens. Season with salt, pepper and one herb. Cover pot and cook over medium heat until the greens are done. Classic Combinations: spinach and small white beans, collards and pink beans, chard, cumin and black…
  • @rayfu75 Glad your work to make weight paid off. That's a tough decision. When is your next opportunity to compete if you pass this one up? Will you be more disappointed to perform badly because you are protecting your injuries (and trying to avoid more) or to have to wait a while before you get the challenge again? I've…
  • My 2nd attempt at a bento lunch. Potato and onion frittata, steamed broccoli, carrot, and half-wheat bread from our bread machine, butter. I will toast the bread and add ketchup from the common supply in the lunchroom (which gives me access to refrigerators, microwaves and toasters). As pictured, it's approx 560 calories.…
  • @elisabeth101 I second the suggestion that you work with a nutritionist or a personal chef for suggestions. I've also found a lot of suggestions online by choosing 2-3 ingredients + the word recipe. So pick a protein you can eat + a vegetable you like and search for recipes, or a starch and a vegetable and let the internet…
  • Plenty of vegans participating in the Happy Herbivores Discussion Group
  • @rayfu75 Hope your calf heals before the big day @victal I have days like that - they tend to be related either to not sleeping well a few nights earlier, or pesky things like monthly cycles. Hope your next training session is better. This family class was better than the last for me. I was more focused than last week. I…
  • Welcome. Hope to see you participate in the Water Cooler Chat. I go by Ari. Most recently, I and my son are studying Chinese Kempo. We've been at our current school for just under a year
    in Intro Comment by Arianera February 2015
  • I second the idea of planned-overs and will pre-package them before bringing the rest of the meal to table to make sure we don't eat lunch by mistake. I like to skip a day so Saturday's salmon, potatoes and green beans dinner = Monday Lunch, Sunday's stew = Tuesday & Thursday lunch et c. The rest of the time lunch is…
  • @oORosadaOo I recently finished Into the Still Blue! I think these are my favorite of the recent crop of dystopias. I'm close to done with a re-read of Sherry Tepper's juveniles: King's Blood Four, Necromancer Nine, and Wizard's Eleven. I was all set to hand them to my fantasy-mad 11 year old, except there's one scene at…
  • Laid back class last night. Looks like Sensei A's schedule has changed so he can no longer teach on Monday nights for the next while. Class with Mrs. Sensei is also good, but she tends to go easy on the "VIP" members asking for clean technique rather than high intensity exertion. Both are valuable in the long run, but I…
  • Good luck @rayfu75 It's hard when external deadlines get it the way of slow and steady
  • Welcome @Tat2dDude_0105 Hope you find a new school soon. @kellypence Does your whole family test in the same session? My son and I have gotten onto different testing cycles, which I like because it means that on the nights he is testing, I can just be a paparazzi Mom and not worry about missing something because I am…
  • Do you have access to a pool? You might even be able to ask a nearby hotel if you can use their pool for a few weeks while you finish healing.
  • @bwmalone I sparred occasionally in my first life as a martial artist (when I was studying and competing as a teen). Because the contacts available at the time didn't work well for me, I was always working blind. While sparring without my glasses is more realistic from a self-defense perspective it definitely added an…
  • Glad to see everyone participating in this chat and glad you are enjoying your sparring. I am not aware of any adults sparring at the school where I am currently training, though there may be sparring at the closed training sessions for instructors and upper ranked adults that I am not yet invited to. The adult Kempo…
  • I've always been a big "brown-bagger" and we consciously plan to have enough for lunches. Y'all inspired me, so rather than bringing separate containers, I tried my first bentoish lunch using an old takeout container. Broiled Salmon, Avocado, Salad and Caesar dressing (about 350 calories). Monday is bagel day at my office,…
  • Another great (and exhausting) Teen/Adult Class this morning. My son had a conflict, so I just went to class alone today. There are 2 other adults that train regularly on Saturday morning and they are fun to work with. My school has traditional kata, but they also have shorter sequences that they teach that turn into…