Arianera Member


  • Congratulations @Versicolour (apropos of our previous discussion that belts colors need context, in my school brown 3 is the lowest brown belt and brown 1 is the highest/last step before testing for black)
    in Gradings Comment by Arianera July 2018
  • It's always heartbreaking when a dojo closes down. Hope the new teacher works out.
  • Glad the class went well. I agree with the folks on the previous thread who said for that age it's really all about using karate as a vehicle work on basic physical skills like balance, crossing centerline, right and left, et c. And the trick is to keep the class moving. Ours always love the obstacle course and relay races…
  • Good luck @versicolour! Hope today went well. In the school where I'm currently studying, you aren't invited to test/grade until you have already demonstrated in class that you know the material well enough to move up. So if you test, a new belt is pretty much a foregone conclusion (at least through 1st Dan).
    in Gradings Comment by Arianera June 2018
  • Welcome Danielle. What style do you study? Not to derail the thread, but color of belt is very hard to interpret without context. Every school I've been in has run the rainbow differently (and look at Kyokushin if you want an example of folks not following convention in every…
  • Cook a big pot of soup, stew, or chili on the weekend. Freeze in lunch-sized portions. Serve with a small salad (also prep'd several in advance) or bread depending on how filling the soup is.
  • I was part of the old (now-inactive) MA group here on MFP for a while around 2016. I've floated to the top of my preferred weight range and my gi pants were getting tight, so I decided I needed to go back to the discipline of logging for a while. So here I am. Like many here, I've been a martial artist on and off for many…
  • Could your OB be recommending strictly limiting lifting activities due to the history of miscarriage? Since it sounds like you already have the green light from your endocrinologist, I would circle back to your OB about the basis for the recommendation and also what criteria you should use as a trigger to seek…
  • I am recently in maintenance - and still logging loosely. Like others I am estimating most portions and finding near-equivalents to save time. I am mostly continuing to log because I've been having some GI issues and find MFP logging to be a convenient way to keep a food/symptom log
  • Thank you to those who have donated or have tried to donate and found not eligible. I've been donating on-and-off since I was 17 (most recently earlier today) and have lost track of how many gallons I'm up to. Especially when I was younger, though, my iron was hit-or-miss and they turned me away almost as often as they…
  • I do intend to display my old belt. I've got quite the collection of colorful belts from the various schools I've explored between Goju Ryu as a teen to Chinese Kempo now. It turns out that I recently hooked up with my first Sensei on Facebook and awoke to a message of congratulations from her saying that she was just…
  • Woo Hoo! I just earned my green belt in Chinese Kempo this afternoon. This test was a special one for me. While many schools count from 10 (white belt) down to 1 before getting to black, and most schools have a green belt as an intermediate rank, every school runs the rainbow of belts differently. The green belt I earned…
  • @ckdprevent hope the testing leads to answers. I think right now the hardest part is not knowing what to try next. Welcome to the others that have joined recently.
  • Does your gym have an arm-cycle? Otherwise can you find a physical therapist who can let you exercise under supervision, or just come in and use their equipment?
  • Not aware of any adults who wrestle, but there are a number of folks who practice BJJ and other martial arts with a lot of grappling on the Martial Arts board. (My 6th grade son wrestled for the first time this winter, and I'm hoping he will continue next year)
  • I'm also new to maintenance. My life responsibilities (and some pesky minor injuries) didn't allow more than 1-2 karate classes a week and walking for 30 minutes 1-2 times a week during my losing phase. I don't expect any big changes to my activity levels now that I have switched to maintenance. For comparison, I also…
  • Not updated as often as it used to be, but Poor Girl Eats Well has some good ideas.
  • I'm a big fan of plain or vanilla yogurt, fruit, and cheerios (or other cereal) for breakfast. If that's too low protein for you (and your digestion can handle it) add a few almonds or other nuts. If you don't like yogurt, consider cottage cheese instead. Lunch is almost always planned-overs from what we had for dinner 2…
  • Phew. The initial results looked clear. Follow-up appt in a month to see what the biopsy said and figure out next steps. The trouble in December may have just been a virus + IBS :)
  • Wish me luck - the colonoscopy is tomorrow. Hoping for answers, but scared of what will be found.
  • Welcome @godlikepoetyes I don't have any good suggestions regarding nausea (thankfully not something I commonly struggle with). While I have GERD, it typically isn't too bad as long as I stay on the PPI and avoid my triggers. Hopefully someone else will respond with suggestions.
  • @singingflutelady You're right, that was a poor choice of words (though it feels to me like something has progressed to the worse). I've edited my post
  • Hi - Just saw this. I rejoined MFP when my GI Doc asked me to keep a food/symptom diary. I go for a colonoscopy next week to see if what I thought was IBS is really IBD (suspicion of ulcerative colitis due to family history and ethnic group). It looks like the most active of the groups related to digestive woes is…
  • Sesame noodles made with leftover elbows, kuri squash, spinach and watermelon radish - approx 300 cals I made 2 portions, ate one for dinner and packed the other bento-style for tomorrow's lunch.
  • Use the bulb instead of bell peppers in spaghetti sauce. Sautee the bulb with onions, garlic and a green and pour over pasta. If you make your own veggie stock,the fronds and woody stalks from the top of the fennel make a great base (especially when combined with the green parts from the top of leeks and carrot ends)
  • Ground turkey goes wonderfully in mousakka or We also make something we call "Sloppy Mediterraneans" which is Sloppy Joes meets the Middle East
  • I can't eat bell peppers (MAJOR heartburn trigger). I find that fennel makes a good substitute for peppers, especially in cooked Italian recipes like spaghetti sauce. They also are good as part of a zucchini and fennel mixture to go into fajitas instead of the peppers and onions. Not sure what to recommend instead of the…