ashleysevadjian Member


  • Hey! My goal is to lose 100 pounds or more too! I was 335 and got down to 190 a few years ago but gained it all back (I know right-sad times) but anyway I finally got back on the wagon and I've lost 33 pounds since November. So my starting weight this time was 308 and I am setting mini goals along the way, but I would…
  • Have you been to the doctor? Maybe you have an under active thyroid or something or maybe there is a certain type of food you are eating that isn't working for you.
  • Yea don't lose more than 2lbs a week. I lost 140 lbs in a year a half and because it happened so quick I had gross granny sagging skin and then when I moved house and changed my job I couldn't keep up with maintaining my weight and I gained back 100lbs! If you've got a long way to go do it at a steady pace because you'll…
  • Add me! I'm trying to lose 100 lbs (long term) but 15lbs before 2015 :) I could use support too
  • Is your activity level set to very active? Because those steps could be part of your lifestyle which are taken into account already with your calorie goal. I've heard that you should only count they extra steps you do as a workout. So I would say eat your original calorie goal and see how you feel and if you lose weight.
  • Try eating high fibre foods and no carbs at dinner time! Also try a fitness bootcamp. They can be a little pricey but it motivated you to go everyday. It sounds like you're stressed which can affect your body so drink plenty of water get lots of sleep and keep at it :)
  • I joined in 2012 and I lost 11 lbs but never got further than that. At first it was great because some foods really are 'limitless' but once I quit I gained back double. That being said I know a few people who have lost 7st or 3st etc so it seems like a great diet for people who struggle with appetites and bottomless holes…
  • Me too! I'm such an emotional eater! On good days I will hardly think of food then when I'm stressed or sad or feeling blah I just eat and eat. It's good to hear that it's possible to gain it back and lose it again though. That's awesome what you accomplished. I think that I should clarify I love exercise and find the fact…
  • Haha that's a depressing thought! I read that somewhere actually. You really don't have good odds when you're battling to get down to a healthy weight. I've tried asking the doctor if I can get the gastric band or bypass on the NHS but they say I don't 'qualify'. That's a drastic choice anyway but still disheartening. I…