s011daw Member


  • Go to a bike shop, someone there should be able to fit you for the right shoe. I use a Bontrager cycling shoe. It's not a specific Tri shoe. I've competed in about 6 triathlons in them and love them. You'll get so much more power when you start clipping in. Are you doing IMOhio by chance in August? I'm doing my first 70.3…
    in Tri Shoe Comment by s011daw May 2016
  • DC Rainmaker was a life saver. I still go to it to find stuff and I've had my watch a year.
  • I love them! I agree with putting them in the microwave. Or just pop it in the oven for about 6min at 350 for a cookie texture. My fave is making "Poptarts". My go to combo is the Cinnamon Roll flavor. Cut in half, microwave 10 seconds. Pat out both pieces thin. Spread a Laughing Cow Cinnamon Cream Cheese and a packet of…
  • I use them too... It's hard to get down a gallon of plain water.
  • It takes time! I did the couch to 5k and that helped build my stamina while running. You alternate running and walking. Good luck!