emmanov22 Member


  • I like this! I would like to do it too! I've just weighed myself for the first time in ages and... it was a shock :o 14 stone 7.5lb or 203lb. I'm 5'5". My goal weight is 11 stone or 154lb. I would like to lose 1.5lb a week, so 18lb or 1st 4lb by Dec 24. October 1st 2017: 203lb. October 8th 2017:
  • Hi I know how you feel. I've been trying to diet off and on for months, but for every two or three days of being 'good' I had three days of bingeing on wine, bread, crisps etc over the weekend, and MFP calorie counting would go out of the window. "Dieting". Ha! I finally weighed myself this morning and I'm more than a…