samharmony Member


  • Tampa, FL. I've had the bike for about a year now.
  • I love macadamia nuts but their high cost keeps me from eating to many, I have them about once a week. Otherwise, I'll have some cashews or almonds. I use nuts as a quick snack at work if I'm not able to make it away to eat a proper lunch, just enough to hold me over.
  • My hubby isn't 100% on board with Paleo either. He grabs dinner on his way home one or twice a week, but for the most part he eats what I cook. He's getting better about it. It helps when I have more hits than misses on trying new recipes LOL..
  • I thought dairy was going to be my weak spot, especially cheese. Turns out not to be the case for me which surprised me. The main craving I fight is wine or tequila. [/quote] I thought I was going to die w/o cheese when I started because that was a go to snack for me, but I've done o.k. I've also found this Vegan cheese…
  • Ruffa, I'm sorry to hear you've been having a difficult time. I know for me once a stressful situation hits I start to fall of the wagon. But you've taken a good first step by getting back on track to healthy. Good luck on your journey. - feel free to add me :)
  • I've only been doing Paleo for a few months, and am looking at it more of a lifestyle change than diet. I've enjoyed looking up new recipes, and finding fun new things to eat. I've found a few good staples that everyone in my house likes (Chicken fried rice, using cauliflower as rice). It's not for everyone but give it a…
  • These success stories are great!! Mine isn't done you but this is my success beginnings, I started Paleo for Lent this year. I really thought it would be a struggle and by day 41 I would be binging. What I found is I feel great, I'm on day 42 and have decided to stick with in. Since January I've lost 17 lbs, but 11 of…
  • "I tried paleo for about 10 days a year or so ago. I broke my veganism for it basically and could not stomach eating that much meat. By the end of it just the thought of eating meat would make me gag and I couldn't keep eating. I don't know if it was because of being a vegan for so long or what. As such, I ended up not…
  • I try to cook a lot on Sunday so I have a good variety of food for the week. I'm always looking for new recipes so that I don't get bored with it, no one wants to eat the same thing everyday. Pinterest has been pretty amazing, as well as a few paleo sites on Facebook.
  • Good point..maybe I should've put Healthier chicken salad. :)
  • I'm in my mid 30's trying to lose 40 lbs, I'd love some extra motivation myself. I've been at this for 60 days and haven't quite hit 10 lbs yet. But it doesn't happen over night.
  • This looks yummy..