lnbecker Member


  • Name: Lauren Age: 22 Height: 5'5" Start (Feb. 1): 175 Goal (Mar. 1): 168 Weigh-ins: 2/8: 173.4 2/15: 2/22: 3/1: Weight +/- this week: -1.6 Weight +/- this month: -1.6 Successes/struggles this week: I was sick and wasn't really eating much, so I don't know that my weight loss this week was totally "healthy".
  • I would like to join this! I am getting married in October and losing 30lbs by June would be great. SW 181 CW 175 June goal: 145 Overall goal: 130-135 (I weigh in on Wednesdays) February 2/1: 175 2/8: 173.4 2/15: 2/22:
  • I would like to join this! I am getting married in October and losing 30lbs by June would be great. SW 181 CW 175 June goal: 145 Overall goal: 130-135 (I weigh in on Wednesdays) February 2/1: 175 2/8: 2/15: 2/22:
  • Name: Lauren Age: 22 Height: 5'5" Start (Feb. 1): 175 Goal (Mar. 1): 168 Weigh-ins: 2/8: 2/15: 2/22: 3/1: Weight +/- this week: Weight +/- this month: Successes/struggles this week: