

  • after surgery, I wanted a double bacon cheese burger and beer so bad!!! I found I could only take a sip of beer, and out the window went any craving because I could barely "stomach" a sip of beer! weakness? your new baby belly will teach you a new rule about that! your weakness will wean itself away... and if you let it,…
  • how did you get your protein before surgery? skip the protein powders & drinks (I hate them too)... can you do eggs and dairy?
  • hey all. had my sleeve 9-12; 40 pound loss at two months. I'm so happy about not being able to eat much! when you're full, YOU ARE FULL. I have another 100 pounds to lose, so I'm taking advantage of the success I had on ATKINS years ago; but, this time, eating much less. if you are going to have the surgery, I suggest…