Ayebee299 Member


  • I like kale salads for lunch because I can dress them the night before and they still taste good at lunch the next day. This week I made 2 different dressings so I don't get bored, one is a garlicky vinaigrette and the other is chipotle tahini. I also chopped up a bunch of different toppings so I don't get bored. I had to…
  • I made stuffed peppers in the crockpot yesterday so I get to eat them again today.
  • I cube them up and roast them with a little olive oil and salt. Thyme or sage taste good on them if you have any around. I actually really love roasted turnips and eat them all the time!
  • I eat breakfast, lunch and snacks at my office. I just cannot wake up in time to make breakfast at home, even just to blend a smoothie. My breakfasts are usually one of these- an egg casserole made with cottage cheese that actually heats up nicely in the microwave (I'll bake it on the weekend), a veggie burger with cheese…