

  • Feel free to add me, I'm new too :)
  • I would love going to the gym, I did it for awhile, they had a gym for women only but removed it and I'm trying to find something not as busy, just hard to find. I'll have to go check out youtube though, never even thought of it :) I think I will have to create a schedule, someone suggested a routine was best!! Thank you :)
  • I'm taking a Benzo and an SSRI, I talked to my Dr about it and she basically said what's more important your mental health or your weight, I have tried a few other things but they didn't work or I had bad reactions.
  • Diary?? I have a paper journal if thats what you mean... I haven't been on here in awhile
  • Thanks Ladies :smile: @Karoshiqueen - The withdrawal was pretty bad, hence why I started again. @Mychocolatediet - I have a little more energy in the afternoon but I'm usually working when I get home, I try to squeeze it in there, otherwise after that as you say in the doldrums. @Josierawr - I lost half an inch in a month,…