jessicabonney Member


  • Need some friends and some motivation please :smile:
  • I stopped weighing myself because it gets depressing when you see that you have not gotten lighter on the scale. You start obsessing over it. When you excersise, you lose fat but you gain muscle. Muscle is heavier than fat. So it may look like you haven't lost any weight at all or even gained it more, but in fact you have…
  • I agree with the second comment. Those exercises with weights will definatly help. Remember though your glutes are a muscle and to get a bigger bum your glutes will need to grow so be patient. This takes time. Also eat alot of protein, this aids muscle growth. Good luck girl :smile:
  • Hi Londener here too I love green tea with honey .. I have one tattoo Feel free to add :smile:
  • I will be starting the 30 day shred again today. I did it last year only for 2 weeks and lost 7 inches off my waist with a healthy diet. As the dvd is only about 20 mins, i comineded this with strength training at the gym. I really wish i stuck with it last year because I would probably be at my goal right now. But not to…