

  • Years of swimming coaching will not allow me to believe otherwise. We had it beat into us that full extension reps were the key to long muscles. But I'll try :)
  • Maybe crutches - I can stay off one leg at a time - we'll go for....3 months at a time, should help one whither away, then I can switch legs and the other will go. Since I'll have crutch support I won't be rebuilding the mass of the first as quickly :smiley: - I do think running helps some, I think it helps elongate them.…
  • The Complete Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (you know, that pretty fake-leather bound book at Barnes & Noble). I was surprised to find that most of the books are a bunch of short stories instead of full length novels, but nonetheless, they are enjoyable. Except for his overuse of the word "singular" his writing…
  • All that matters is confidence...and no shoulder hair, or back hair, and if you're going to have a mustache, keep it trimmed above your lip so I don't have to go searching for your mouth.